Valerie Vernon
I have been making prints using lino for many years since graduating from Manchester, combining some with collage. I keep a drawing book to explore ideas, most of which originate from drawings and paintings.
In my work I have been interested in the chaos in nature for quite some time, usually juxtaposed with stability to emphasise contrast. The uncontrolled force of nature is compelling and is constantly changing in the landscape according to the seasons which is a fascinating backdrop to life.
In this series of pieces, the moon provides a constant whilst the chaos of life surrounding it is changing. The pattern is also present as a stabilising force, but that in itself is randomly produced, although it has origins in a range of influences, such as Native American, Maori and Indian cultures.
I use linseed oil printing ink and usually on Ingres paper. I have exhibited in several places in Yorkshire, Manchester, Birmingham. My work has also been shown at South Bank Printmakers Mini Print Show, in London.