Tina Braddock
Tina was introduced to etching as part of a college art course and immediately fell in love with the artform. She went on to achieve a BA(Hons) degree in Fine Art (printmaking) at the University of Wolverhampton.
As is commonly the case, creating art then took a back seat whilst family commitments and responsibilities took precedence for some years, until a change of circumstance allowed her to rekindle her passion for printmaking. Tina decided it was time, went out and bought herself a press, and now regularly disappears into her repurposed shed whenever the urge takes her.
Despite being time-consuming, expensive and often downright infuriating, etching remains Tina’s favourite medium, although she also enjoys working with lino, cyanotype and monoprint. Tina has exhibited in Weston Hall, Purple Gallery, and The Mall Galleries as well as partaking in Birmingham Open Studios.