Stuart Brocklehurst



“I go for a walk with a sketchbook and make drawings of anything that interests me. Then back in the studio I use these drawings to try and make the best print that I possibly can.”

I am a printmaker from the Calder Valley in the West Riding of Yorkshire. My work is naturalistic, representational and rooted in the British Countryside, its landscape and wildlife. Although I don’t consider myself to be either a wildlife or landscape artist being happy to tackle anything I feel will make an interesting or challenging print.

Linocut, Wood Engraving and Mezzotint form the main focus of my work, all of equal importance to my practice. My linocuts are decorative with an emphasis on colour, pattern and composition, Wood Engravings more illustrative, whilst Mezzotint allows me to work in a more personal, expressive way to capture the mood and atmosphere of the subject.

For me printmaking is a marvellous alchemy of craftsmanship skills and art. I take pleasure in working in a traditional way with tools and methods that are essentially little changed over the centuries. Making a print has the appeal of a puzzle. For all the planning and working out that is done beforehand, there is no certainty about the outcome of the finished image. Until finally it is revealed as the paper is pulled from the block.

I have exhibited my work in exhibitions at galleries throughout the UK, the USA, Russia and Brazil. My prints are held in the permanent collections of Doncaster Art Gallery, the North Bristol Health Trust, The Institute of Printmaking at the University of Campinas, Brazil and the Museum of Fine Arts, Ekaterinberg, Russia. As well as numerous private collections in the UK and abroad.

Stuart Brocklehurst