Shirley Stevenson
My drawings and prints have emerged from things observed and selected, the seakale at Dungeness, pools of light and more recently plant structures. The focus is on shape, space, colour and surface, investigating different ways of responding intuitively to observed information. I have played with the mark, the edge and pattern-like qualities which I have then interpreted through print processes.
Other aspects of life and place have flowed in and out of the work, as it begins to unfold. I am interested in working experimentally across drawing and printmaking, combining different approaches and processes. Working concurrently on drawings and prints helps me to work more fluidly, reflecting, selecting and changing elements through the development of the piece, each process informing the other. Last year I set up a print studio at home and have continued to develop intaglio collagraph and relief processes to extend my ideas and images. Printing with multiple blocks has encouraged an open, exploratory approach layering drawn plates with simple colour shapes, I like the fluidity of working like this, producing small editions and one-off prints.
Winner of the John Purcell Paper Award (2020)