Katie Jones
I am in the final year of an illustration degree at Birmingham city university. Through my degree have experimented with many forms of printmaking however screen printing is my personally favorite. I find that by printing my work I get this added dimension when it’s printed. The way that the colours overlay when you’re printing it gives a tactile nature that can’t be replicated digitally which gives each piece a unique character.
Within my printed work I have been drawn to bright vibrant colours. When experimenting with increasing the number of layers I try to challenge myself working with up to 8 layers of colour within one composition. This allowed me to give more detail to my composition but it also give me a greater appreciation for 2 colour prints and the contrast that you can create.
My work is largely in inspired by antique objects and how to preserve them in a way that is accessible to everyone and look at collections of oddities. Also how to celebrate objects that are now seen as obsolete and how to showcase these objects to generate a conversation.