Ana Pacheco
In 2018, habitoprints © was established, a brand that comprises a selection of works exploring the synergy between architecture and printmaking. These works have been recently exhibited and selected to be part of 251st Summer Exhibition – Royal Academy of Arts (London, UK); shortlisted and exhibited at the Print International Competition – Ty Pawb (Wales, UK) and several exhibitions in London and Lisbon. When exploring various printmaking techniques – woodcut, drypoint or block and relief print, – I bring into the process my architecture background and imaginary approach: how I perceive and understand architecture, space and dimension.
The void and the mass; transparencies and juxtapositions; geometries and compositions; movement and stability; colour and monochrome. Interactions and symbioses are parallel, and sometimes dichotomous, aspects of our experience whilst exploring a city, a building, a space, a wall, a dimension. A print. The plates I make and prepare as templates for the various layers of my prints are deeply geometric relationships, which are a result of a set of influences of various experiences and encounters. They express particular urban moments in cities, with all its layers and complexities, merged with punctuations of art works, specially from Anni ad Josef Albers.
The result is, most of the times, a rather complex set of prints which present and draw a parallel on the way I discern a city: it is never obvious nor are clear the layers that compose it – yet observation and a, somehow, distilling process brings the understanding on how the various layers are essential to the clarity of the various components.
Winner of the Air Arts Award (2020)